As a member of the MEMS Alert program, you will never be billed for any medically necessary non-emergency transportation approved by your insurance. The MEMS Alert program will also take care of any co-payments or deductibles for insurance approved non-emergencies.
For any service other than an emergency or an insurance approved non-emergency provided to you by MEMS, you will receive a 40% discount from normal charges.
All of these benefits are available for one low price and provided to you and any immediate family members living in your home. An immediate family member is a spouse, child, or parent. Also note that as a renewing member in future years, you will be eligible for a $5 discount off the price of the MEMS Alert subscription.
To become eligible for MEMS Alert benefits, you must complete the MEMS Alert Application and provide all of the information for each family member to be covered under your subscription.
Membership Application and Subscription Fee (check, money order, or credit card) must be mailed to:
- MEMS Alert
- P.O. Box 2452
- Little Rock, AR 72203
There are some people for whom MEMS Alert may provide a reduced benefit:
- Persons who are covered by Medicaid benefits. Medicaid pays 100% of transportation cost. Therefore, MEMS Alert benefits will be limited to non-transportation services.
- Individuals whose health insurance pays for 100% of the cost associated with ambulance transportation. MEMS Alert benefits will be limited to non-transportation services.
If you have any questions, please call 501.301.1433.